This weekend, I had my very first convention of 2020. Fantasy Fest Rijswijk is a wonderful, modestly-sized convention mainly focusing on the magical aspect of life. If you’re thinking of witches and dragons right now, you’re on the right track. Knights, wizards, ladies in gorgeous, detailed steampunk dresses, and one beautiful moon fairy – I’ve seen them all.
Not exactly the market for me with my rainbow glitter kawaii explosion you’d think, but let me tell you, this was my third time here and every time it gets better and better.
Even though this wasn’t my first convention, this was the first time I came with a companion. Someone to take orders, finish purchases, and give detailed information about my goods while I furiously crocheted away, trying to make a dent in my backlog of custom orders I got that day – no other than my boyfriend. He’d never been to a convention before, let alone sold at one, so all of this was a big fat first for him, as it was for me exactly a year ago.
I have no doubt that he’s made for the con life after this weekend, and frankly I’m starting to wonder how I ever did this by myself. He’s signed up for Every Con After This from Here On Out, so I obviously signed up for like alllll the conventions that would have me. I am definitely aiming for about 5 this year, 3 of which are already booked.
Overall, Fantasy Fest is a brilliant convention for beginners. It feels very warm and homely from the start, and once you’re there, you will be adopted into the con family in no-time.
The visitors are another massive pro about this convention. It’s a small con and if you’re at all a bit recognisable, people will come back for more. I’ve made many new friends at previous conventions who all came to see me again this year. Sure, the money is great(ish, it’s still a hobby) and the publicity I get from standing behind a booth and smiling widely is very useful, but I will always say that my favourite part of conventions is the people.
Anyways, I’ve rambled on enough, and there’s no structure to this story so good luck reading it. I hope I’ll learn how to write before my next convention.
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